Dharamshala to Mcleodganj taxi and rental/hire from Maharana cabs
Mcleod ganj is a small suburb located at a distance of 9 km from dharamshala, tourists get confused between dharamshala and mcleodganj a lot. Both are different towns, macleoganj is the headquarter of exiled Tibetan government. If you are looking to travel from dharamshala to macleod ganj then cabs are the best option for entire day sightseeing. Maharana cabs offers Dharamshala to Mcleod ganj taxi services at best prices. We offer sightseeing taxi and round trip taxi to mcleod ganj from dharamshala. Taxi fares are nominal and starts from 2399 rs for full day sightseeing in which all points are covered. One way cabs cost 350 rs and round trip cost 699 rs from Dharamshala. We work with local dharamshala taxi unions to ensure best reliable cab services.
When you hire taxi from Dharamshala to Mcleod ganj from us you get:
- Best customer experience
- Good drivers
- Option to choose from wide range of cabs
- Neat and clean cars.
Mcleod ganj offers beautiful places for sightseeing. For more details about dharamshala to mcleod ganj taxi booking online contact us at 9797634791 or have a look below.
Taxi Fare chart from Dharamshala to Mcleodganj
Taxi type | Sedan car | Innova or SUVs |
Dharamshala to Mcleod ganj full day tour | 2399 rs | 3599 rs |
Mcleod ganj drop | 350 rs | 600 rs |
Mcleod ganj return | 700 rs | 900 rs |
More details About Dharamshala to Mcleod ganj cab servcies
Distance and time
Mcleodganj is situated only 9 km from dharamshala, If you hire a private cab service then it takes 15-20 minutes to reach mcleodganj. However if traffic is high then it can take hours. During summers rush is high.
Places to see in mcelodganj
- Tibetan temple
- Bhagsunag temple
- Pool
- Churches
- Dharamkot
- Cricket stadium
- Tibetan market
- Etc.
- we also offer dharamshala to chandigarh taxi and khajjiar taxi
Places to stay
If you are traveling by cab and you are on a tour then you will need good hotels to stay. Here are some:
- Hotel Woodville inn
- Udechee huts
- Aliza inn
- Hyatt regency
- Revanta
- you can find more information about mcleod ganj by clicking here
How to book cabs for macleoganj from dharamshala?
If you are traveling from gaggal airport or dharamshala then follow these steps:
- Call us on the number given on this page
- Our executive will get in touch with you
- You can discuss your cab requirements with them.
- After finalising your tour taxi you can make advance payment for booking
- Driver will come to pick you up on your desired dates.
- More details about taxi fare for dharamshala to maclodganj taxi can be found below.