Manali to dharamshala taxi

Manali Dharamshala Trip by Car


More Information on Manali Dharamshala Taxi

Manali to Dharamshala taxi Distance

the total distance between manali and dharamshala mcleodganj is about 220 km and it can be 7-8 hour ride depending on the weather condition and terrain.

for Sedan car charges are 10 rs per km

for Innova 13 rs per us at 9079365184 for booking manali to dharamshala cabs

cabs for manali to dharamshala

Places to see in Dharamshala

following places you can see in dharamshala:-


Dharamshala Cricket Stadium

War memorial


Tea Garden Dharamshala

just book your manali to dharamshala taxi and we will take care of everything for you.

manali to shimla taxi

Hotels in Dharamshala

here are some good hotels:-hotel bliss valleyhotel pine valley

to book Taxi for Manali to Dharamshala contact us at 9079365184 or

click here

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