Udaipur to Jaisamand taxi

Udaipur to Jaisamand taxi service and tour rentals by maharana cabs

Call at 8107100717 for booking Udaipur to Jaisamand Cab tours and services

Taxi fare chart for Udaipur to jaysamand cab services and tour

Type of vehicle8 hour tour12 hour tour
Toyota etios2250 rs3000 rs
Swift dzire2250 rs3000 rs
Ertiga2500 rs3400 rs
Toyota innova3500 rs4500 rs
Innova crysta4000 rs5500 rs
Tempo traveller (12, 17, 20, 24 seater)Contact for pricingContact for pricing
  • Parking charges are to be paid by passengers
  • toll charges are to be paid by customers
  • it this trip we will go to jaisamand lake, there you will do sightseeing then we will return
  • extra spots can be added to this trip at extra charges.
  • customers are expected to maintain discipline at this area. as lake is dangerous.


How to book Udaipur to jaysamand taxi?

Call us on above number, our executive will explain you plans and pricing. Confirm your tours and our driver will come to pick you up. You can also contact us via mail and whatsapp at 9414343122.

What is the minimum fare for jaisamand taxi from Udaipur?

Cheapest taxi from Udaipur to jaisamand are one way cabs. Contact us for one way taxi from Udaipur to jaisamand. If they will be available on your dates then we will accommodate you in those cabs.

Which is better day tour or drop services for jaisamand?

Day tour will allow you to explore jaisamand lake and its nearby areas.

Which are the places to see near jaisamand lake?

·        Dhebar lake
·        Nearby villages
·        Boat ride
·        Swimming
·        Etc.

To book Udaipur to jaisamand tour taxi contact us now at 8107100717

udaipur to jaisamand tour taxi

Tushar Kamble

“Jaisamand lake is one of the best tourist place near udaipur. i went there with my family and we enjoyed a lot. driver was very supportive”

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